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Due to the size, weight and fragility of this amplifier, we are offering it as COLLECTION ONLY from our Ashton-under-Lyne store.


Here for sale we have a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Road King 120 watt valve amplifier head in Red Taurus Tolex. Built in the USA between 2002 and 2005 this amplifier head features Dual Rectification (Tube or Silicon Diodes) allowing you to select Silicon Diodes or Recto Tracking per Channel. Recto Tracking auto-matches the perfect Rectifier for the number of Power Tubes in use – It applies one Rectifier Tube when using two Power Tubes, 2 Rectifier Tubes when using 4 Power Tubes and applies Silicon Diodes when using all 6 Power Tubes


Each Channel features Independent 3-Position Style Mode Switch, 5-Position Progressive Linkage/Multi-Watt Power Switch, Gain, Treble, Mid, Bass, Presence, Master, Footswitchable Reverb (see report) Assignable Dual Rectification with Recto Tracking (Diode or Tube Tracking), Speaker Output Selector Switch (Speaker Out A, B or A B), FX Loop 1 and 2 Assignment Switch (allows you to auto-assign each FX Loop to either come on or off when the channel is activated or be controlled via the footswitch)




  • Four channel, fixed-bias, all-tube amp with seven distinct voicing options. Channel 1 = Clean, Fat or Tweed, Channel 2 = Clean, Fat or Brit, Channels 3 and 4 = Raw, Vintage High Gain or Modern High Gain. The clean channels in the Road King Series II feature voicings derived from the Lone Star series (plus the Brit mode was influenced by the Stiletto amps), while channels 3 and 4 feature voicing from the Dual Rectifier (plus additional higher-gain tones).

  • American and British tone in one amp! 6x12AX7 preamp tubes, 2x5U4 rectifier tubes (and solid state diode rectification, too), 4x6L6 and 2xEL34 power tubes. Mesa/Boogie’s Progressive Linkage technology enables you to power the amp from a choice of 2x6L6, 2xEL34, 2x6L6+2xEL34, 4x6L6 or 4x6L6+2xEL34 for power ratings of 50, 100 & 120 Watts respectively, on a per-channel basis!

  • There are at least five distinctly different sounding preamps in the Road King, and three different sounding power amps, not counting various settings that are more subtle variations on these primary sound-shapers. Throw in all of the voicing options and you end up with as many as 140 possible combinations of tube selections and rectification methods… before you even get to adjust tone controls or gain!

  • Cabinet switching on a per-channel basis. The flexibility in power output and multiple speaker selections is really unprecedented.

  • Real tube Reverb – the same reverb as found in the Lone Star amp.

  • Two effects loops, each wired in series, footswitch selectable. True hard-bypass removes the effect loops (and two 12ax7s) from the signal path. This is also an improvement over the original Road King, which offered one parallel and one series loop.

  • Each Channel features independent Gain, Bass, Mid, Treble, Presence, Reverb level, five-position Progressive Linkage power tube selection, choice of rectification type (Diode or Tube Tracking), Speaker Output (Speaker Out A, B or A+B), FX Loop 1 and 2 selection, and Output Level control.

  • Solo level control that ads user-adjustable volume boost without an increase in gain for soloing.

  • Bold/Spongy “Variac” switch reduces power throughout the amp in order to help achieve the classic “brown” sound.

  • External switching jacks for Channels 1, 2, 3, 4, Solo, Reverb, Loop 1 & Loop 2 enable interfacing with third-party switching systems.

  • External trigger jacks enable control of Pulse or Latching devices. For example, you could use this feature to start/stop a drum machine or sequencer from the Road King’s footswitch. [Editor's Note: As of September 2006, the Road King Series II v2 has started shipping. This feature has been replaced with a Tuner output, discussed at the end of this review in our Other Comments section.]

  • King Controller II footswitch (included) features nine buttons: Channel 1/ 2/3/4, External Trigger, Reverb, Loop 1, Loop 2, Solo)


This amplifier is collection only from our store.

Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Road King 120 Watt Valve Amplifier Head

SKU: 1051024513540
£1,980.00 Regular Price
£1,683.00Sale Price
  • Our ID: 1051024513540

    Weight: 27.20kg

    Serial Number: RK-00078


    This amplifier is in very good condition, this amplifier has been professionally tested, the spring reverb is not functional but all other aspects are fully functional. This amplifier has been re-tolexed professionally by Zilla Custom cabinets, the tolex displays light signs of past use. The footswitch is fully functional and included.

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